When you try suicide

TRIGGER WARNING: suicide, self harm, drugs, eating disorder, depression


I’m in the midst of an overdose. My family is in the next room totally oblivious to this. It’s not peaceful at all. It’s so painful, my stomach feels like lava is boring through it, I can’t stay awake, I’m shaking so bad my muscles are cramping, my head hurts which is ironic for Someone who just took a ton of painkillers, I am SO itchy it feels like bugs are crawling all over my body, I’m hot and sweaty but ice cold at the same time. I don’t think I’ll die though bc I am 2 hours in and still awake on and off and still with it enough to breathe.

I’m sorry family, especially momma bear. I’m sorry treatment team. I’m sorry friends.

Also if anyone is considering this, DON’T it’s awful. It’s not like going to sleep it’s VERY SLOW AND AGONIZINGLY PAINFUL. You all deserve better and to live and be happy. ❤️

I’m sorry momma bear. 

Time to sleep more can’t keep my eyes open even for another second.

I love you mom. 

One thought on “When you try suicide

  1. Hugs for you (((squeezes))). My heart hurts for you, feeling so lost and wanting things to be over. I’ve been there too and it sucks.

    Please be careful though? You don’t want to live through it only to end up severely damaging your liver. It will only make things more difficult to bear, and you, dear one, have enough burdens to carry as you find your way through. ❤️😘 xo

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